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Thursday, February 28, 2008 Y 8:55 PM

Wat a tiring, sianz and fun day
Yo, 2day iz Gladwin`s birthday. during recess, we were so buzy drawin de board... So i did not eat that day. At around 12.15pm, I and de girlz felt hungry, but i went to de canteen 2 eat by telling cher i want go toilet...
After schol I stay back 4 half an hours. After that i went home and i went o msn and i saw lian bin, my primary enermy. He was so unliky cuz i got up de bus so he cnt beat me... he lookz so opposite of nice.

Y 4:12 PM

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Y 6:55 PM

Yo, guyz i back from a tired but fun day in school... today was so fun cauze after school we, Gladwin, Jeslyn, Jasmine, Ren Hui, Yun Hui, Bryan, Zhi Xiang and Zyna, went 2 de coffee shop and eat as per normal, there is a group of malay boyz, think iz sec 2, playin soccer.

They played n kicked n almost hit every1 1ce. N de bthingz iz i took Ren Hui bbt and she chase me... after return it 2 her, she drank some and say she don wan so we playde with de bbt :
  1. we water some 2 de plantz
  2. we poured de rest 2 de dustbin, de plase where smoker put their used cicrete

After de fun, itz time 2 go back schol 4 de mind map workshop... On de way back, Gladwin accidenterly hit a 30 yrs old lady and he said that he hit iz not a 3o plus lady iz like hittin a pillar...

The pain last 4 few hrs but h almozt fell on flor

Sunday, February 24, 2008 Y 7:14 PM

Y 6:45 PM

Yo, i m back from a borin day... Cauze i wen 2 my sunday clazz as usual, den de teacher, can`t stand us and wanted all boyz 2 get out of de clazz, cauze we all make lotz of noise...

After de sick lesson, i wen 2 pray not play... Den i wen 2 my grandma hse and chat 4 hours... at around 4 pluz, my mom decidd go home and so we wen home. At de buz, it was so coolzy dad i can slp, after dad i do some cleanin and i start bloggin...

Saturday, February 23, 2008 Y 12:46 AM

Yun Hui

3 of them

Thiz iz my mei mei and and jie jie, Zyna and Jeslyn

Thiz iz Iylia

Y 12:01 AM

Today iz my cross country run day... Wen we reach there, we waited 4 our turn 2 run... De sad thing iz, i am a lower sec boyz so it meanz i run de last but i m not de lazt cuz i chase up jeslyn, nadine and lastly ren hui... Ren hui wanted to over take me but don hav much strength... She wsas so angry n i kept laughing at her and she case after me... I feel so good after winning her, I can`t win yun hui jie jie cuz she run first but i can`t over take her, so she kept laughing at her...
After running, we met together and we start playin and askin question such as, which pozition and wanna go jeslyn house. After every thing, we alltake a cab to jeslyn houze... ...We waited and waited and we all started getting sick n tired and tat is wen we saw a city cab.
So we get de cab and Zhi Xiang, Bryan, Jasmine tok in de taxi on de way 2 Jeslyn houze. De fee was $4.80 and Zhi Xiang pay $0.80 and Jeslyn pay $4... But i stay only a while, cuz i wanna go home and sleep. And i slept 4 at least 4 hours... After de sleepin, i muz go out and pray...
Than Jeslyn ask me call her cuz she very siaz... So i call her and she ask me, iz she irretatin n i say yes. She was so angry tat she hung up de phone...

Friday, February 22, 2008 Y 11:29 PM

De video is all about cross contry

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Y 6:30 PM

tat one of my fredz call roger

Y 6:07 PM

My cute cartoon

Y 4:35 PM

thz iz sms

Thz are de girlz in my class... Quite preetti

Thz iz hafiz I call him chipmunk cuz he looks like 1

Thz iz gladwin... my sister, Jeslyn hate him wan...

Iz she cut?? She also my sister and also my older wan

Thz iz Dilys(left) and Yun Hui (right) they both r my sister and still my older wan...

Thz iz Ren Hui... She also my sister but my big sister

Thz iz nabihan... He is my chairman

Thiz is junidi... De action guy

Thz is darryl and i call me Ah meng

Thiz is bryan... my di di n i call him di di

Y 4:18 PM

Yo, i back after a long and sianzzz school
wat u guy doin???? ....... Ya of course its u...............
Der???? Den who do i refer??? GHOST??? I don believe those..........
hahaha... I know wat u thinkin, how and where right? write at my so call chat box, and remember to put yr name and email. yr name must be real not like stranger cause i won tok to stranger...
And i m goin 2 introduce my sec fredz................

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Y 4:53 PM

I m back...


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That Guy.

So Sianz.
08 December 1995

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Msn, Slacking, SMS, ....


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-` That have more awesome friends

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