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Monday, March 31, 2008 Y 8:21 PM

Wa lao, todae Yun hui gen wo fun lian sia and she don tok 2 me and i so lonely sia... So i oso don tok 2 her lor... I think that all 4 todae... hehe

Thursday, March 27, 2008 Y 8:25 PM

Yo u guyz still there??? Soli todae no on9 cuz i not free, not goin 2 cutual night, iz my parent ask me go grandma's hse... Btw todae was so tired, fun, sianz... Tired was cuz todae school was fun especially science lesson, cuz i call him and we juz did not care lor...
Todae Jocelyn beat me siol, I onli say "She and bryan stead den she beat me sia, but she beat not like Yun Hui that pain... Hehe...Hehe... Sianz iz cuz tonight cannot on9, muz stay at grandma hse, and there no computer sia so cannot lor...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Y 8:48 PM

Yo, back again. Soli yesterdae nvr update cuz 2 tired and Bz. If u don mind, todae wan will quite long, Hehe...Hehe...
Yesterdae morning after waking up, after eatin my breakfast, I start walkin 2 de bus stop where i muz take buz 2 school. On de way, i met bryan and we did not do any homework, mathz, so yesterday we hope mdm roziyana... During recess, nothing really fun so i don mention. After school, we, Jia Sheng, 'Ah Meng' , Danial and me went 2 Yang Xian's hse. Actually Gladwin wanna follow but we all don lke him 2 follow, don ask Y... ... About 2 pm, we, Danial, Jia Seng, Gladwin and me went back 2 school 4 science project till 5 plus...
At de science pro, we create our own rocket n I m with Yang Xian de same group. At de lauch, we make our shirt wet but it was fun, after de lauch we played with de reminder of de water... Den we wen 2 hall n we do de reflection and we wen back home... I n bryan wen back home together and on de way, Jocelyn call him straight after she reach home so in de other words, Jocelyn iz bryan stead. Better don tell them or i die. Tat all 4 yesterdae...
Todae i oso tot tat mdm rozy nvr come so i don do de Hw and she came so she check my book and ask me, Zhi Xiang, Windsor, Nigel 2 stay back and call parent so we wait till 2 pm and den we left liao. But we r oso late release cuz of Mr Yu. He teach us usic and we, Me, Ah meng, Windsor, Yang Xian, Jia Sheng, Bryan write ' I MUST PUT MORE EFFORT IN MUSIC CLASS' and hand up tomorrow to him, and he so *****ing *****ic cher sia... Tat all 4 todae...

Sunday, March 23, 2008 Y 12:32 AM

Yo, I m back from a same old dae sia. Btw i m so bz todae cuz i early morning go grandma hse n 5 plus go down 2 ny mother workin place and we togerther come back.
Den we go to church to pray till 11pm and we went 2 eat supper till 11.30pm and we take buz home...
Soli if i cant on9 todae...

Friday, March 21, 2008 Y 8:04 PM

Yo, back from a sianz, tirin and fun... I 11 pm den wake up, i not pig iz yesterdae 5.40am den slp so late late wake up lor. Cuz sianz iz miss u guyz, 102. Tired iz cuz i go and i almost fell a slp siol, know it iz lame. And fun iz cuz i msn almost de whole dae.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 Y 10:33 PM

YO, de owner of thiz blog iz back... i woke up and juz came back so tired day.
Today 102 ganna maths cher, cuz yesterday during science lesson and after MT lesson... Nigel and windsor, fold paper ball and we started 2 pass around. Den Mr Tan came in 2 our class and brougt us 2 lab.
I, Bryan, Jason, Jia Seng, Jasmine, Jeslyn, Nigel, Windsor, Zhi Xiang, Gladwin, and more... were playin with paper ball, tokin... Mr tan was so *****ing angry that he ask us all go back to class, at that time he said : '' If u don quite, I will bring u back to class and we will not do any expariment, and doin yr own thingz...'' And at that point, i was like thinkin, '' Aya he muz b kiddin again and tokin crap.'' So we still continued playin and 4 me, i listen na...
Lets don tok abot yesterday, lets tok abot today. Today, at maths lesson, de *****ing mdm roziana, she saw de paper ballz sia and ask lots of ******* words and ask Jason 2 write a report on science lesson sia... After school, i went home with Bryan and we change den we went 2 swimmin complex and meet de rest. Bryan did not wear his swimming truck inside so he went to de back and change and at that point of time, there iz people comin so he change dam *****ing fast...
After a while, all of dem arrive n we make de attendence and we went in... my group iz with, Gladwin, Fouzy, Yang Xian, Zhi Xiang, de rest iz 101 people... Wa lao so dam *****ing tired, disgustin and scary sia... Disgustin iz cuz of Yang Xiang, he pee in de pool 3 time and i drunk 7+ and he ownself drunk 11+ and i think his pee, he finish liao le... I still don know de back stroke and bubble, cuz all so dam *****ing difficuit sio... I almost drown sio cuz so dangerous, btw Zhi Xiang iz like scared of water sio, cuz he even don dare hold his breath and put his head in de water. I think Fouzy scared of drownin cuz he ask me 2 b beside him always, and after de tirin swimmin, we, Gladwin, Yang Xian and me, went to de toilet to change. Yang Xian and i bath in de same cube, dun dirty la. Juz bath and come out la, den we, Danial, Nigel, Yang Xian Jia Sheng, went 2 T.M, they went 2 Long John Silver and went 2 de passar malam 2 meeet my parent... After tat, we, me and parents, went to Cafe Cantel 2 eat. After de eatin, we went home andi bath again 2 b hygenic, den after that i went to slp, 7.30... sleep ... till 10 pm I m so soli if u call me n i did not answer or late on9... :) den after that, i went my laptop and start bloggin...till... now lor
Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha iz actually not funny so dun laugh...
De ***** meanz : Freak so dun complain...
Tomorow iz holiday and it iz good friday and i muz pray, so tomorow will not on9..., i think it will b a tirin day...

Thursday, March 6, 2008 Y 8:04 PM

hi everyuone i wanna tell euu smth!! my name is roger weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! yoohoo!!!!!!!!!

Y 7:08 PM

True Friend Test - Who Truly Knows You?

Y 5:00 PM

remember him???

i m so happi, tired and sianz...

Yesterday, i had a cold war with my sister, they were angry with mii cuz i made yh angry...

Btw, i don wan tok abot tat again... Cuz once i recall, it make mii angry... After tomorow iz ScHoOl HoLiDaY n it iz goin 2 b borin 4 me cuz no com, so i will not b around in msn so don wait 4 me...
to online

Monday, March 3, 2008 Y 7:05 PM

If u saw him, please cal 999 immediately because he iz de most wanted man


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