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Thursday, July 31, 2008 Y 10:14 PM

todae same but only reach sch late cuz miss de front bus... so reach sch about 6.50 ba...
gladwin todae reach earlier den me den call me once...
sing anthem twice again den read irp den at 8 go back class cuz homec cher nvr come so go back class lor den do wokbk chpt 5-6 i all copy zhi xiang de...
den 9+ den yin ning come our class wan me andd gladwin to help them so no choice but we dunno den calll cher come help den say de wad gt problem
den 9.30 went to library den dunno y have 1 smelly flower den mr lanerd ask sherrie go change de water den yan yu smell de flower so smelly den mr lanerd go throw till zaridar found out, she went to de dustbin go pick it back...
at 10, have mt, so sianz... den maths, cher nvr come ask us do st hilda sec paper deni finish at 11.50 den quickerly do science cuz nvr do den i copy yun hui de about 11.55 copy finish den gladwin say he wan copy so i lte him lor... den he return that time yun hui book kana tear so she angry den cher 12.10pm den come in do a few page den go for ass liao...
after sch, wen to jeslyn jie hse. on de way, we tok ghost story until all so scared....

den around 2.30, bryan use jeslyn phone call gladwin come den gladwin really come so jeslyn angry... 3.30 i, zyna, gladwin go back sch den zyna go malay dance while i and gladwin wen to library help 15min den wen hall clean till 4.30 den go back...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Y 10:16 PM

todae wake up den wash up and reached school at 6.45am den wait until 7am den zhi xiang den come.. after nt long, gladwin come den bryan den we chat... at around 7.15-7.25 den gladwin went to do his duty wif wei xiang... sing national anthem twice den can sit down read news paper, tok to chee hern say mala was jason 1st love den he kana caught by mr foo...
den go back class
at 8am....
i do compre about rats den
at 8.30, i have mt, do newspaper...
at 9 is english again, do same thing...
at 9.30, have recess, go library den 10 bac to class den is lit,
at lit, yun hui say zhi xiang and jason fight...
at 11 have science, very sianz...
at 12pm, have art...
nobody care...
after sch, went eat den go library wif chee hern den 2.30 den go for de mt thing...
went in saw ren hui using phone den
at 3pm cher release us den still gib us sweet
after that went library den awhile went tm meet jason, michelle, jacy, lebelle, kammie. den gladwin came so awhile again peng seh de girl den go home

Friday, July 25, 2008 Y 4:58 PM

juz came bak frm eunice hse , we ( michelle jie, lebelle && kammie ) play lik siao . th lebelle siao derhhs , i take michelle hp den ran into th room den she qo in th room to take her hp den lebelle qo close th room door , henq she didnt lock . den i ran into th toilet den she NO CHOICE qo in th toilet cos her hp lahhs , den lebelle qo close th toilet door ! den we ( michelle && i ) qo in wadd room th lebelle qo close . den we went home by bus , den michelle sit wif me, jie && di mahhs , qot prob mehhs ? -.-lebelle && kammie keep shout "wooo!!!!" den th kammie keep tryinqq to take a pic of us sittinqq 2qether . tis time kammie die liaos , every1 will noe :

Friday, July 18, 2008 Y 4:52 PM

hi, back again
yesterdae too bz liao so nvr uupdate....

6.40 reach sch, den play phone game till 7am
sing anthem den sit down read IRP
YUN HUI, BRYAN nvr bring their irp
after reading den go homec outside and saw shu yi den she kana beaten by a malay girl den bryan, zi hern and me laugh
during homec we do test and i nvr sturdy
after homec i have recess
i wen library do duty...
after recess we have mt,
during mt we do shi han
after mt, we have maths and done some drawings
den we have science. so happi cuz cher nvr come but we were ask to do pg 33 and 34.
after science we have assembly,
i so bad luck cuz ren hui sit behind me den have show.
after ass, i went to michelle jie's hse.
den i kana torture in by de girls cuz they use balls to throw at me until 3+den jian han kor come but he help them sia den till 4.30+ i wen home.
6.40 reach sch, den play phone game till 7am
den saw darryl and chat wif him
at 7.15 wen to do my duty aen saw wei xiang doin...
den i very angry cuz he very fan so i let him do all and the yuan yu and wei jie wen to turf club so left me and sherrie...
sing anthem den sit down read IRP
den bryan kana caught by mr foo think he tok too much
after IRP, wen back class and have english and we listen song den do woksheet about de song lyrics. after that i have history
we do de sbq... at 9.30 am, i wen to recess but i wen library to do duty...
after recess is history again den i have science
during science cher very sianz den i have english
during english, i do compo(KUNGFU TIGER almost same like KUNGFU PANDA

Saturday, July 12, 2008 Y 5:50 PM

yo, i m back... yesterdae was e-learning day, den we all at home use internet and do wok...
i woke up at 6.30 den started on9 at 6.45am and c no one on9 until 7am den jia sheng on9...
den jacy at 7.30 ba...and den all started on9 den at least 40+ on9
while doin, zhi xiang msn me and scold me FUCKER and i was shocked cuz i don even know wad he means.
i started doin untill 12.30 den finished.
den i went out to de flyer and it was like. so cool..
went to eat and came back about 11.50pm den washed up and slp liao
todae was so sianz sia,
wake up at about 11.40am den i washed and went to eat my breakfast
after that came back and started usin com at 3.30pm
and went to yun hui blog and saw my name and there is a person who use my name to spam her blog, and bryan wan zhi xiang suspect is me sia...

Thursday, July 10, 2008 Y 6:01 PM

wa, todae was so like so emo...
wen reach sh wif bryan, we sit down at the canteen and we played hp games
and gladwin suddenly appear in front of us and tok to us
after not long, Darryl came and we chat while bryan still playing his game
den zhi xiang come and we all go put our bag den start flag reising
after that we went back to class and we all take our temperature,
yun hui jie, farhana mei ...etc nvr bring de...
den i go home mec and i do chicken burger wif jia sheng, taste so so la
den jia sheng don wan den i give stall seven aunty and sit wif bryan, zhi xiang and zi heng and awhile den i go library
saw jacy and cockroah girl and kanna beaten sia(wan laugh go ahead)
but i oso got beat them back de den go back class den chinese cher not happi cuz we all not listenin and started scoldin and hit hui xian's table and she wake up sia
den we have maths den our group kanna chosen to present yesterdae we do de mind map
den junidi expalin we all laugh cux he always sae 'k?' den we answer 'k.' den laugh and he sae stop makin noise cux make him nervous...
after maths, we have scince den de cher nvr come and ask us do pg28 of workbook
i finish 2nd and farhana finish 3rd. 1st is shami... de quiet boy in our class
after that we went hall for ass and it is the band performing for us and ren hui was so funny
den i stay back to c wei xiang need help den mr tan scold us sia bcuz of de misbehave
after doin den i wen to library wif wei xiang to keep de things and do library duty
den 2.30pm i and wei xiang wen to have our lunch and bought green tea
at about 3.30pm i wen home liao...
tmr no sch so good but need do e-learning at home at least till 12.30pm...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 Y 8:57 PM

wa sianz sia, cuz my holidae suz and tired...
sch reopen not long, i started have cold wars wif my sister.
on saturdae, 1 of my jie sms me this:
Ue juz been using me as a fren' make me feels that i or she don treat me as a true fren.
i don mind losing this fren ship if she wanna lose...
this daes i was wonderin, m i that unreasonable? m i so 小气?
anyway, the first dae of sch is a emo but now i think i should b emo again(:


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